Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Clearly I am not winning Mother of the Year!!

So, last week Connor and I were making cupcakes and Carlee was in her swing. Connor was on his way to the bathroom when he yelled, "Mommy, Carlee falling." This is how I found her. To make matters worse, I left her there so I could snap a picture. OOPS!! Then on Sunday we were swimming at Steve's house and she was sitting in her car seat on top of the table. We swim at least 2-3 times a week, so nothing unusual. I look up to find her wiggling trying to get out of her seat. Needless to say no more swinging or sitting in her car seat unbuckled.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh so big at 4 months!!

We still can't believe our little girl is already four months old. She is doing great (except from 6-8 at night). On Tuesday Connor and I took her to her appt with Dr. G. She weights 14 lbs 4 oz (75th %) and is 24.8 ins (80th %). She is rolling all over the place and can now turn in circles. If Connor is somewhere she can not see him, she will wiggle her way around. So cute!! She can also sit up for a few minutes now without toppling over. She did get 2 shots (5 total) in her legs. As soon as the nurse was done, Connor looked at her and said "Why did you poke my sister?". I hope he always looks out for her. We thank God for 2 healthy babies!!! We also started cereal on Wednesday. I think she liked it and Connor LOVED feeding her also. Sweet Baby!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lions, Tigers and Bears OH MY!!!

On Saturday we rode the dartrail all the way to American Airlines Center to see the circus. Connor loved the "train" ride. The circus was a success!!!
Lanie and Connor on the dartrail. Connor watching the show and eating his cotton candy. One more thing he can hit us with.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Who knew turtles like hot dogs?

On Tuesday, I packed up the kiddos and joined Stacy and Kelly at The Children's Museum. The three musketeers loved it!! I took Connor last year and he had fun but this year I think he could appreciate it more. (Carlee enjoyed it also.) The kids got to dig for dinosaur bones, play with a water table, dress up and much, much more. After about 3 hours of play we went outside and had a picnic lunch by the water. After eating we let the kids go see the turtles. Connor thought it would be a good idea to share his lunch with the turtles. They swarmed over to see how many more hot dog bites he was going to throw in. Silly kid!! Thanks Ava and Riley for making our little field trip a success!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009


So my fabulous hubby and kids bought me a camera for my birthday. I have been snapping away like a mad person. Here are a few of us playing around.