Thursday, August 5, 2010

A little girl........

Eric and I are still in amazement that Carlee is already 15 months old. She definitely has her own personality and is VERY girly!! Eric tells everyone that she is his little girly-girl!! She LOVES jewelry, purses, baby dolls and cleaning. The last few times we have been at the neighbors house she has kept herself entertained by their jewelry. One night she had my necklace on, all of Michelle's bracelets on, Kristens necklace and watch and Dan's cowboy hat. She loved all the attention. Little Ms. Carlee also loves to talk. You can't tell what she is saying, but boy she has alot to say. She has a great vocabulary going so far and if she can't say it she can definitely show you what she wants.

Her favorite sayings....
uff-uff (sounds like a doggie)
Moooo (sounds like a cow)
Ank You (Thank You)
Dee-Dee (for her binky)
aby (baby)
Uh-Uh while she shakes her head NO
She definitely knows what you are asking her because she will shake her head Yes or No.

Little Ms. still doesn't like to be without Mommy and Daddy, but it is getting a tad-bit better. She loves to play with other kids but she definitely makes sure we are sitting right there and will check back often. She weighs 24 lb  15 oz(75th-90th%) and is 31.8 inches tall (90%). Sorry for the double wouldn't let me delete it!
Sweet Cheeks!
Can you see the attitude?!?!?

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