Sunday, February 22, 2009

So...there may be hope yet

On Saturday, Eric and I took Connor to a big brother class at the hospital. They taught him how to hold the baby (aka ~ teddy bear) and how to hold the baby. Connor got to tour the hospital to see the labor and delivery room and the nursery. Whenever they needed a "model" to show the other kids how to do something, he was the first to volunteer. I will say he didn't wrestle, throw, hit... the baby one time. :) That afternoon we went to a birthday party at My Gym for two girls in his class. I really believe that Connor can have fun anywhere. I love, LOVE his personality (and even the hyperactivity).
Update.... Connor passed all parts of his hearing test last week and we have even cut back his breathing treatments to once a day!!! I guess the doctors do know what they are talking about. YEA

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